The right light at the right place

The right light at the right place

Eco Step Dim® Motion from WE-EF is a wireless solution for presence-dependent light control of street lighting. The 2-stage system can be scaled all the way to complex networks and configured with a user-friendly app.

New York is the city that never sleeps, and if you never sleep you always need light. But what about pathways and cycle paths in sparsely populated rural communities or paths along river banks? Do they really need to be brightly lit all night long? No, not really. But when people use these paths they should feel safe and be able to see well.

This is precisely why WE-EF offers the light management solution Eco Step Dim® Motion. It uses PIR (passive infrared) sensors to capture motion data. If a pedestrian is detected, the light level is increased to a predefined level for a certain number of luminaires, e.g. to 100%. This setting is kept for a fixed time and as long as people are moving in this area. If no presence is detected the luminaires are automatically dimmed. The bidirectional system is configured with an Android app and a Bluetooth dongle at the light spot.

Eco Step Dim® Motion is designed as a 2-stage system to enable various control options to be realised. In the first configuration level, Linked mode, the luminaires are connected via radio and communicate with each other via the MiWi wireless protocol. Two PIR sensors detect presence, the luminaires act as master and/or slave. The settings are inherited from luminaire to luminaire, i.e. there is just a single configuration in the app. In Connected mode, Eco Step Dim® systems can be integrated into higher-level light management systems. A gateway extends the communication options to GPRS/2G/3G. Operating data can be saved in the Microsoft Azure cloud, luminaires localised in Google Maps and settings and data requests can also be made from anywhere with a dashboard.

LINKED – Several luminaires connected via wireless protocol. Data exchange/transmission between the luminaires.
CONNECTED – Luminaires connected to a light management system via gateway.

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